About Me

Yá'át'ééh, Shi éi Sam Begay yinishyé. Shi éi Tó'áhani nishłi, Dziłt'aai Kinyaa'áanii bashishchiin, Ta'neeszahnii dashicheii, Tsé deeshgizhnii dashinali. Akót'éego diné asdzáán nishtłi. Hahaazt'éél Bitsiidi kééhasht'i. 

Greetings. My name is Sam Begay. I am from Tséłani/Cottonwood area. I am blessed with two amazing daughters. I am a U.S. Army Veteran with 3 overseas tours to Germany, Iraq, and Kuwait. I am currently a Bachelor of Fine Arts student in Digital Photography at Diné College. 

Artist Statement

As a Diné artist, Sam uses photography, film, and written material to immerse herself in the rich cultural knowledge and traditions of the Diné people. Her photography connects her to moments where she feels spiritually grounded, fully alive, and deeply immersed in Diné culture. Through this work, she expresses her identity as a Diné five-fingered being, reflecting her connection to her place in the universe.

Her time in the military deepened her understanding of human nature, strengthening her empathy and ability to connect with others while highlighting her unique role as a Diné woman. This experience underscored the vital importance of preserving their language, ceremonies, and traditions and helped her recognize the delicate, intricate aspects that contribute to holistic understanding.

Through cultural documentary photography, she contributes to preserving Diné knowledge and resilience. Each photograph becomes part of their collective story—a visual narrative that bridges the past, present, and future. She seeks to explore the natural laws that are central to Navajo life, along with the cultural teachings that maintain balance and harmony between humans, nature, and the cosmos.

Artist CV

Tribal College Journal Magazine Cover Image

Diné College Between Worlds Exhibition 

Diné Bizaad Multimedia Event

Winter 2020

April 2024

December 03, 2024

My Blog Site


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