About Me

Yá'át'ééh, Shi éi Sam Begay yinishyé. Shi éi Tó'áhani nishłi, Dziłt'aadi Kinyaa'áanii bashishchiin, Ta'neeszahnii dashicheii, Tsé deeshgizhnii dashinali. Akót'éego diné asdzáán nishtłi. Hahaazt'éél Bitsiidi kééhasht'i. Greetings. My name is Sam Begay. I am from Tséłani/Cottonwood area. I am blessed with two amazing daughters. I am a U.S. Army Veteran with 3 overseas tours to Germany, Iraq, and Kuwait. I am currently a Bachelor of Fine Arts student at Diné College. 



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